What is happening

A friend of mine posted an account of what happened on her Facebook page here that has been shared over 1,100 times.

I have contacted the Canadian Kennel Club as Stonehedge Boarding Kennel claims they are affiliated with them and are using them as an endorsement for their facilities. They were sorry to hear about Bob, but indicated that Bakers may be members, they could not confirm this at the time, they may entitled to display their affiliation.

I contacted the Quinte Humane Society, they indicated that it was a civil matter and they would not be launching an investigation. The funny thing is that Bob and my other dog Kate were / are, husky / greyhound mixes, they are on the skinny side, someone called to complain that there was a guy with two huskies (me) that had two dogs who looked malnourished (Kate & Bob). They found the time to come out and bang on my door and follow up with my vet, and good for them. My dogs were fine and nothing came of their investigation, however they will not be investigating a kennel where a dog ended up dead due to neglegence.

4 thoughts on “What is happening

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I am finding it hard to swallow that this boarding kennel is responsible for this. I see you stated that you did contact the humane society. did you contact the OSPCA ? Think I would try,they can only say no. I am trying to find some sort of law regarding their liability. This had made me just sick. I tell you one thing Stonehedge Boarding Kennel should be offering compensation ( I know its not going to bring Bob Barker back, but I mean an apology goes a ling way). Shame on you Stonehedge, shame on you ! Yes accidents happen but if the dogs are supposed to be and this is from their ( stonehedge) web page— “All dogs are kept in 8 ft. x 4 ft. pens so they have plenty of room to move around. All pets are monitored 24 hours a day, and our facility is fully secured. ” really? Why & how did this happen if your not falsely advertising ?

  2. I feel for you and understand your frustration. I picked up a dog from a kennel a few years ago mid January, she had been bathed when we got there she was outside in -25 weather and was still chilled to the bone 2 hours later.
    Also I was walking my 6 month old German Sheppard and was almost hijacked
    by some woman from the OSPCA, because she had a report the dog was under nourished an dragging his rear end. He was perfectly happy & healthy and had been at the vet just the day before. The point I am making is, if that anonymous
    complaint could be investigated then why can’t this?

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